A dream I’ve had for a long time now was to change the world, another dream was to own my own clothing brand, both those dreams I decided to turn into reality in January 2022. The time has finally come, I can officially declare that the brand is here and it will do great things and bring great change! The name Voice Of Reazen was decided on because it resonated within me. As a young man included in generation z, I think of the many things that consume my peers confidence, and minds if their mental toughness isn’t strong enough or they dont have the proper guidance. I too have faced moments questioning my abilities after comparing myself to our new social norms but I had a village behind me to catch me in moments I felt I was falling, not everyone has that, that’s what this brand will represent, this brand will act as a village and community to the teenagers and young adults that are questioning themselves due to a lack of confidence and mental strength while lacking proper guidance to find their way. Looking to their peers, environment, and/or music they hear to encourage their decision making. Sometimes those influences can be positive but there’s also the times when its not and does you no benefit. A Voice of Reason is a person who influences others to act sensibly, I liked that definition but it needed something. I made my brand Voice Of Reazen as a play on words but to emphasize the meaning and to somewhat stretch it. My definition is a positively influential person who encourages others to have peace of mind with being wonderfully and uniquely made. The goal of this brand is to bring change, not just to keep our society looking fresh and clean. I will be donating percentages of profits from each drop to organizations and foundations that are actively investing in communities to better teens and young adults. Voice Of Reazen is pushing to encourage this message!